
Michael Paquier: PostgreSQL hacker tips (PGConf.EU 2023)

Tomas Vondra: Postgres vs. Linux filesystems (PGConf.EU 2023)

Melanie Plageman: Making your patch more committable (PGConf.EU 2023)

Heikki Linnakangas: Multi-threaded PostgreSQL? (PGConf.EU 2023)

José Neves: A journey into postgresql logical replication (PGConf.EU 2023)

[Keynote] Simon Riggs: The Next 20 Years (PGConf.EU 2023)

Daniel Westermann: Getting the most out of pg_stat_io (PGConf.EU 2023)

Boriss Mejias: Should I use JSON in PostgreSQL? (PGConf.EU 2023)

Peter Eisentraut: pg_failover_slots: The missing piece (PGConf.EU 2023)

Andres Freund: The path to using AIO in postgres (PGConf.EU 2023)

Karen Jex: Tuning PostgreSQL to work even better (PGConf.EU 2023)

Jonathan S. Katz: Vectors are the new JSON (PGConf.EU 2023)

Jonathan s katz vectors are the new json pgconf eu 2023

Adam Wolk: Tame the growth of your database (PGConf.EU 2023)

Alicja Kucharczyk: Leveraging pgBadger for Effective PostgreSQL Troubleshooting (PGConf.EU 2023)

Marco Slot: PostgreSQL Distributed: Architectures & Best practices (PGConf.EU 2023)

Stephen Frost: Advanced Authentication and Encrypted Connections (PGConf.EU 2023)

Stefan Fercot: What can't pgBackRest do for you? (PGConf.EU 2023)

Andreas Scherbaum: Add geocoordinates to your addresses in PostgreSQL (PGConf.EU 2023)

Julian Markwort: PostgreSQL Replication: 20 Pitfalls and Solutions (PGConf.EU 2023)

Adam Hendel: Blazingly Fast Message Queue on Postgres with Rust (PGConf.EU 2023)

Ilya Kosmodemiansky: Linux IO internals for PostgreSQL administrators in 2023 (PGConf.EU 2023)

Greg Vernon: Don't Do High Availability, Do Right Availability (PGConf.EU 2023)

Matt Cornillon - Creating a Board Game Chatbot with Postgres, AI, and RAG (PGConf.EU 2024)